Department of sheep and goat
breeding research and development
The Department of sheep and goat breeding research and development conducts research, implementation, dissemination and education in the following scientific areas:
- breeding, selection and reproduction,
- nutrition,
- welfare and behavior, and
- genetic resources.
One of the goals of the department’s scientific work is to achieve the genetic progress of small ruminants through research and development of applied methods in their selection and breeding. Biotechnology, molecular genetics, genetic resources and development of breeding programs are important aspects of the department’s work. The focus on animal nutrition and sophisticated management aims to ensure an adequate supply of energy, nutrients, minerals and essential micronutrients to animals, thus maintaining the health, welfare and productivity of animals at a high level, which is the basis of exceptional quality and safety of food for human consumption. At the same time, alternative methods of production organization such as biofarming or organic farming, while simultaneously reducing the impact on the environment, as well as protecting the welfare and health of the animals themselves, represent an important field of the department’s research work. Protection of biodiversity and mitigation of climate impacts through conservation, but also productive exploitation of animal genetic resources represent a very important aspect of research.
With a multidisciplinary approach, we contribute to innovation in sheep and goat farming, increase sustainability and improve the economy of production, the living environment, the welfare and health of animals.