Department of pig breeding
research and development
The Department of pig breeding research and development is engaged in the research of breeding, reproduction, selection, genetics, nutrition, behavior and welfare of pigs.
One of the Department’s focuses is research of the variability of species traits, which is also a guarantee of production sustainability in times of possible climate changes, the emergence of new diseases and other challenges due to which commercial genotypes may not be able to achieve the expected profitable production. Possession of the original genome and its study and preservation, in in vivo or in vitro form of our local pig breeds enables the preservation of the species if there is a need for its rapid inclusion in the production process.
Preservation of biodiversity, i.e. preservation of autochthonous and noble genotypes of pigs, as well as improvement of their production characteristics in different production conditions, is the main task. The department is actively working on the inventory and characterization of locally adapted breeds of domestic animals, the development of standards and protocols for characterization and inventory, as well as the monitoring of traits important for the estimation of the breeding value of animals, the development of a national strategy for the permanent and sustainable use of locally adapted breeds of domestic animals, the development and implementation of regional and global long-term in situ and ex situ conservation strategies, and we are also a gene bank for Mangalitsa, Moravka and Resavka breeds (
Researchers of the Department perform scientific research work through participation in projects in the field of national research funded by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, as well as scientific research and professional cooperation with the business operators. In addition, the Department’s priority task is applying for and participating in international projects funded by the European Union, such as H2020 research and development projects. The department participated as a partner in the H2020 research and development project under the acronym TREASURE ( In addition, the department realizes other types of cooperation with institutions abroad through bilateral projects, international strategic projects, COST ( and ERASMUS+ ( projects. Researchers of the Department also participate as lecturers at faculties for undergraduate and master’s studies in the country and abroad. In addition to the aforementioned, researchers of the Department are mentors and committee members for the preparation and defense of master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. Researchers also have realized study visits abroad and gained the necessary scientific and professional experience for more effective research work in our country.
The results of the Department’s research are published in national and international journals, monographs, as well as through scientific and professional publications at international congresses and conferences in the country and abroad. Published monographs and scientific works are available in the repository of the Institute of Animal Husbandry (