3. međunarodni kongres „Nove perspektive i izazovi u održivom stočarstvu“, 5. – 7. oktobar 2011. godine, Beograd, Srbija

Organizator kongresa: Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd-Zemun

Suorganizator: Ministarstvo prosvete i nauke Republike Srbije

Cilj kongresa je razmena novih saznanja, naučnih rezultata i istraživanja, poređenje sa svetskim istraživanjima u pogledu naučnih dostignuća, primena rezultata u praksi, saradnja sa srodnim naučnim institutcijama, nove biotehnologije u genetici i selekciji, ishrani, fiziologiji, reprodukciji (mapiranje gena, novi proizvodi, lekovi, enzimi, hormoni, očuvanje životne sredine, kvalitet proizvoda, dobrobit životnja, itd.).

Tradicionalni međunarodni kongres obuhvatio je sledeće tematske oblasti: sistem gajenja domaćih životinja, tehnologiju proizvodnje i kvalitet proizvoda, dobrobit domaćih životinja i zdravstvenu zaštitu i alternativne proizvodnje u stočarstvu.

Kongres su otvorili dr Miloš Lukić, direktor Instituta i predsednik Organizacionog odbora, prof. dr Nada Dragović, pomoćnik ministra, Ministarstvo prosvete i nauke, Republike Srbije, prof. dr Martin Waehner, presednik Međunarodnog naučnog komiteta.

Na osnovu prispelih apstrakata i referata odabrani su i prezentovani radovi naučnika i istraživača iz 19 zemalja Evrope i sveta – NEMAČKA, ITALIJA, POLJSKA, SLOVAČKA, BUGARSKA, EGIPAT, SLOVENIJA, HRVATSKA, MAĐARSKA, LITVANIJA, RUMINIJA, MAKEDONIJA, ALBANIJA, CRNA GORA, BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA, JAPAN, KINA, INDONEZIJA, kao i preko 50 stručnjaka iz uglednih istraživačkih i obrazovanih institucija Srbije – POLJOPRIVREDNI FAKULTETI BEOGRAD, NOVI SAD I PRIŠTINA, VETERINARSKI FAKULTET, NAUČNI INSTITUT ZA VETERINARSTVO IZ BEOGRADA I NOVOG SADA, INSTITUT ZA KRMNO BILJE, KRUŠEVAC, AGRONOMSKI FAKULTET, ČAČAK, itd. Ukupan broj učesnika 155 (115 iz Srbije i 40 iz inostranstva), broj učesnika sa radom štampanim u zborniku 175 (115 iz Srbije i 61 iz inostranstva). Tokom trajanja kongresa predstavljeno je ukupno 176 radova, u okviru 6 sekcija, gde su radovi predstavljeni usmeno i u okviru poster sekcije. Kongresu je prisustvovao veliki broj naučnika što ukazuje na aktuelnost tretirane problematike, izloženi radovi odražavaju najnovije trendove u stočarstvu u različitim klimatskim i privrednim uslovima širom sveta; učvršćena je dosadašnja saradnja i uspostavljeni novi kontakti sa pojedincima i institucijama u oblasti stočarstva, kao i dogovor o zajedničkom konkurisanju na međunarodne projekte.

Svi radovi prezentovani na kongresu štapani su u Zborniku radova, odn. Biotechnology In Animal Husbandry,Vol (27), Issue 3, Book 1, 2

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Mesto i godina rođenja

Beograd, 1975. godina

Elektronska pošta






Google Scholar





2001 Diplomirani inženjer poljoprivrede, Odsek Zootehnika, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu

2007 Magistar biotehničkih nauka – oblast agronomskih nauka  – genetika i oplemenjivanje domaćih životinja, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu

2013 Doktor biotehničkih nauka – zoohigijena i zdravstvena zaštita domaćih i gajenih životinja, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu


2007 istraživač saradnik

2014 naučni saradnik

2021 viši naučni saradnik

Radno iskustvo

2001 Odeljenje za istraživanja u govedarstvu, Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd


2003 Training on Danube River Enterprise Polution Reduction. DREPR Project; Warszava-Poland

2010 Training on Implementation of Animal Welfare Assessment Protocols on Farms. RSPCA International; Ohrid-Macedonia

2010 Training on Animal Welfare on Farms. European Commission (TAIEX) and Serbian Ministry of Agriculture; Belgrade-Serbia

2011 Training on Livestock Animal welfare. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); Palić-Serbia

2014 Training on Farm Animal Welfare. EU Twining Project: Building Capacity in the Areas of Food Safety and Animal Welfare; Belgrade-   Serbia

2015 Assessment of genetic diversity of different species of cattle using microsatellite DNA markers-Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction; Sofia-Bulgaria

2015  Embryo biotechnology in cattle reproduction, Institute of Animal Science; Kostinbrod-Bulgaria

2019 Linear Models in Genetic Evaluation, Czech University of Life Sciences; Prague-Czech

2021 Frameworks for animal welfare assessment and meeting stakeholder needs, ICAR/IDF; Rome -Italy

Oblasti istraživanja

Biotehničke nauke, Poljoprivreda, Stočarstvo: Odgajivanje, selekcija i dobrobit goveda

Ključne reči

Govedarstvo, dobrobit, genetika, mlečne krave, tovna junad, autohtone rase, kvalitet mesa, održivo stočarstvo, klimatske promene

Članstvo u udruženjima

Društvo genetičara Srbije

Bioetičko društvo Srbije

Međunarodno društvo za razvoj i održivost (ISDS)


(link ka personalnom repozitorijumu)







Place and year

of birth

Belgrade, 1975.







Google Scholar





2001 BSc, Department of Zootechniques, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade

2007 MSci, Department of Zootechniques, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade

2013 PhD, Department of Zootechniques, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade

Professional position

2007 Research Assistant

2014 Research Associate

2021  Senior Research Associate

Working expirience

2001 Department of Cattle Breeding and Genetics, Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade


2003 Training on Danube River Enterprise Polution Reduction. DREPR Project; Warszava-Poland

2010 Training on Implementation of Animal Welfare Assessment Protocols on Farms. RSPCA International; Ohrid-Macedonia

2010 Training on Animal Welfare on Farms. European Commission (TAIEX) and Serbian Ministry of Agriculture; Belgrade-Serbia

2011 Training on Livestock Animal welfare. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); Palić-Serbia

2014 Training on Farm Animal Welfare. EU Twining Project: Building Capacity in the Areas of Food Safety and Animal Welfare; Belgrade- Serbia

2015 Assessment of genetic diversity of different species of cattle using microsatellite DNA markers-Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction; Sofia-Bulgaria

2015  Embryo biotechnology in cattle reproduction, Institute of Animal Science; Kostinbrod-Bulgaria

2019 Linear Models in Genetic Evaluation, Czech University of Life Sciences; Prague-Czech

2021 Frameworks for animal welfare assessment and meeting stakeholder needs, ICAR/IDF; Rome -Italy

Fields of research

Biotechnical Sciences, Agriculture, Animal Science: Cattle Breeding, Genetics and Welfare

Key words

Cattle breeding, welfare, genetics, dairy, beef and autochthonous breeds, meat quality, sustainable livestock, climate change

Professional memberships

Serbian Genetic Society

Bioethical Society of Serbia

International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS)


(link ka personalnom repozitorijumu)



Mesto i godina rođenja

Sremska Mitrovica, 1984. godina

Elektronska pošta






Google Scholar





2009 Diplomirani inženjer poljoprivrede, Odsek Zootehnika, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu

2017 Doktor biotehničkih nauka – zoohigijena i zdravstvena zaštita domaćih i gajenih životinja, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu


2012 istraživač saradnik

2017 naučni saradnik

Radno iskustvo

2009 Odeljenje za istraživanja u govedarstvu, Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd


2015 Training on marking of domestic animals, Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade

2015 Training on working with experimental animals, Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade

2016 Training on Development of associations in the food processing industry in the United States. Cochran Folowship Program; Lubock, Texas-USA

2018 Training on New Genetic and Breeding Methods for Healthier Dairy Cows. EAAP GplusE Program; Madrid-Spain

2018  Beef quality and carcass classification according to the SEUROP system, Institute of Animal Science; Kostinbrod-Bulgaria

2021 Training on Milk from grazing – Creating preconditions for the rehabilitation of pastures in dairy cattle breeding in Serbia, ORCA ; Belgrade-Serbia

2021 Training on Use of probiotics in livestock production. Erasmus Project; Çanakkale-Turkey

2022 Training on Education on climate impacts on agriculture.  Erasmus Project; Yallova-Turkey

2022 Training on Genetic selection in animal husbandry.  Belgrade-Serbia

2022 Training for linear evaluation of Simmental and Holstein Friesian cows, LAZEBW ; Aulendorf-Germany

Oblasti istraživanja

Biotehničke nauke, Poljoprivreda, Stočarstvo: Odgajivanje, selekcija i genetika goveda

Ključne reči

Govedarstvo, selekcija, genetika, mlečne krave, odgajivanje i reprodukcija, autohtone rase, održivo stočarstvo, klimatske promene

Članstvo u udruženjima

Društvo genetičara Srbije

Centralno udruženje odgajivača goveda simentalske rase (CUOGSR)

Evropsko udruženje za nauku o životinjama (EAAP)


(link ka personalnom repozitorijumu)







Place and year

of birth

Sremska Mitrovica, 1984.







Google Scholar





2009 BSc, Department of Zootechniques, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade

2017 PhD, Department of Zootechniques, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade

Professional position

2012 Research Assistant

2017 Research Associate

Working expirience

2009 Department of Cattle Breeding and Genetics, Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade


2015 Training on marking of domestic animals, Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade

2015 Training on working with experimental animals, Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade

2016 Training on Development of associations in the food processing industry in the United States. Cochran Folowship Program; Lubock, Texas-USA

2018 Training on New Genetic and Breeding Methods for Healthier Dairy Cows. EAAP GplusE Program; Madrid-Spain

2018  Beef quality and carcass classification according to the SEUROP system, Institute of Animal Science; Kostinbrod-Bulgaria

2021 Training on Milk from grazing – Creating preconditions for the rehabilitation of pastures in dairy cattle breeding in Serbia, ORCA ; Belgrade-Serbia

2021 Training on Use of probiotics in livestock production. Erasmus Project; Çanakkale-Turkey

2022 Training on Education on climate impacts on agriculture.  Erasmus Project; Yallova-Turkey

2022 Training on Genetic selection in animal husbandry.  Belgrade-Serbia

2022 Training for linear evaluation of Simmental and Holstein Friesian cows, LAZEBW ; Aulendorf-Germany

Fields of research

Biotechnical Sciences, Agriculture, Animal Science: Cattle Breeding, Genetics and Selection

Key words

Cattle breeding,  selection, genetics, dairy,  breeding and reproduction, autochthonous breeds, sustainable livestock, climate change

Professional memberships

Serbian Genetic Society

Central Serbian Simmental Breeders Association (CUOGSR)

European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP)


(link ka personalnom repozitorijumu)
